who we are


Annie Greene

After being introduced to WAFF as a volunteer in early 2014, Annie made her way back to the Foundation in August of 2015, as the full-time Program Director for Three Dot Dash.

Happily born and raised an Okie (Tulsa), Annie made her way to college in the Bay Area of California (Santa Clara) prior to settling down in NYC’s West Village. From a young age, as well as through high school and college, her rewarding experiences with non-profits and foundations has kept her on the lookout for a career fit within that community.

In college she spent time working in India and studying in Argentina, relishing in the diversity of those experiences. She found a comfortable niche in community engagement and noticed her heart was most full when she was on the ground, working face to face with people from all walks of life. She spent several years working with the Schusterman Family Foundation as a project coordinator, particularly with their Youth Philanthropic Initiative program. She spent a summer with The Destiny Reflection Foundation working in business development, and a year with the not for profit Museums of Los Gatos in marketing and events.

For her first few years in New York she worked in the chaotic, challenging and invaluably educational realm of experiential marketing, particularly honing her skills in production. Under the umbrella of two separate creative agencies, Neverstop and IFCA, she worked on a variety of projects, locally and nationally and loves nothing more than the challenge of thinking on her feet!

She is easily swayed by good live music, Thunder basketball and has been known to (discreetly) carry her own bottle of hot sauce.

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